Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hospitals aren't funny

...but I have to say this made me chuckle... I got a little lost wandering around the hospital trying to figure out where to go to get back to my car. A nice nurse asked if she could help me, and I asked her where I needed to go. Her directions were: "Go straight 'til you get to Jesus, then take a right, then go left."

(I think maybe we could all use a little "go straight til you get to Jesus!")

Anyway, this will help explain why I've been strangely absent from my blog lately... Secret Agent Man has been sick for a couple weeks and finally agreed to go see a doctor. I'm glad he did, because apparently he's got some semi-serious heart trouble. We are still in the testing phase but he got admitted to the hospital today, and will be there for a couple days at least.

SAM's mom said that his old French grandma must be watching over him from Heaven and put a bug in his ear so he would listen to me, and that she also found a nice French doctor to look after him. I agree. But in the meantime, for all you who believe in the power of prayer, I'd sure appreciate a few extras.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cambodian Vulture Conservation Project

I designed a t-shirt and all I got was this lousy t-shirt...
Kidding! (So kidding) ...let me 'splain.

(So I thought I had blogged about this before, but for some silly reason I could not find it...)
As you may, or may not, know... on a whim I made a series of posters based on the popular "Keep Calm and Carry On" theme that's everywhere, except mine was "Keep Calm and Carrion" with vultures and crows.
Out of all the artwork I have done, I sell the heck out of these on Etsy. Go figure.

Several months ago I was contacted by Angela Yang at the Bronx Zoo. She works for the Wildlife Conservation Society.
Somehow she became aware of my silly posters.
She emailed me and said she was working on the Cambodian Vulture Conservation Project.  She liked my posters, particularly the brown vulture one, and would I be interested in letting them put it on their t-shirts?
"But of course!" (You can't tell, but that's me, doing my best Pink Panther/Peter Sellers impression...)
She also commented that they needed Cambodian Vulture Conservation Project on the front.  So, not knowing for sure if they'd use it or not, I did a logo for that too, and they used it!

How cool is that?!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Nobody sees the Unicorn

So she is lonely and bored at the ball.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the 4th (Be With You)

Some new, and old Star Wars favorites to honor Star Wars Day today!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

fill me with stories

Those of you that have been following me around the interwebs for a while know that I participated in the 2011 Sketchbook Project. I am, once again, going to participate, which will be better this time around because I have almost a whole year instead of just a few months! (Little late to the game, last time!)

Last year's book included these images, along with others, under the theme "Submersibles & Dirigibles" 

This year my theme is "Fill me with Stories".
Brian Miller, from Waystation One, who did the previously posted poem here, wrote a poem for me last year also:

and has graciously agreed to write me another poem for this year's Sketchbook!
His work is amazing. If you haven't been by Waystation One yet, go there and check out some of his fab writings!

fill me with stories: