Tuesday, May 5, 2009

SpaceGirl #4

...at least this is what I have so far. I keep tweaking her. But I think I like this one.


  1. I used to look exactly like that! Well not exactly! LOL That is awesome! You are really talented!

  2. I really like her. I agree with Missy....you ARE awesome.

  3. She's gorgeous. What are you doing with her?

  4. Aw, shucks...thanks so much!
    I have no idea what I'm doing with her, or any of my Space Chicks. I just like them.
    I will probably put them on some necklaces and see if they sell. But really, I have no idea!

  5. I really love this piece. Say! I didn't realise you had a DA account! I had one there for years, but took it down about a year ago. I still visit now and then. My DA name is Snowflurrycat. (grin) I also have a stock site under Beth Leda. How fun! You are a wonderful artist!

  6. Are you planning to make another award for blogland??

    I will warn Michel

  7. She's got a raygun, Captain, so watch yerself!


Grab a cup of coffee and sit down.
Stay a while.
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