Sunday, January 9, 2011

Okay, I lied...

I decided that I needed some kind of segue from sea to sky pictures. So Mouse is going to have himself a dream. "After all of his hours searching the deep waters Mouse dreams of flying." Or something like that.

This is that segue piece:


  1. looks like there is an eye sleeping under his bed...

  2. What a sweet drawing! He looks so cozy in his little hammock!

  3. Hooray! Hooray!

    Oh, I mean boohoo boohooo. I'm actually sad to see this series end. I love the fantasy! Mouse certainly does look cozy. And the octopus's garden is a true dream. Beautiful, beautiful! You've created an awesome and fanciful sketchbook! Congratulations, wooohoooo!

  4. NO one! Not even one person in my whole life has ever made a mouse look so sweet!

  5. Terra! I actually think that some of your drawings would look lovely if they were shrunk to an ATC size. I would proudly display them! Okay. I missed this one. Now I need to backtrack... Happy new year to you!~ Tsup!


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